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28 Jun 2024


Wuxi-Shanghai Study Tour: Visit to the Roche Accelerator

Wuxi-Shanghai Study Tour: Visit to the Roche Accelerator - Activity Photo
Wuxi-Shanghai Study Tour: Visit to the Roche Accelerator - Activity Photo
Wuxi-Shanghai Study Tour: Visit to the Roche Accelerator - Activity Photo
Wuxi-Shanghai Study Tour: Visit to the Roche Accelerator - Activity Photo

During the visit to the Roche Accelerator in Shanghai on 28 June 2024, Dr Qiusong Tang, Head of Roche Accelerator, provided insights into the process of drug development. He highlighted the importance of bridging basic research with the dedicated efforts of a team of scientists, ultimately leading to successful drug discovery and the potential to save lives. Additionally, Dr Joseph Ni, Cheminformatics Scientist at Roche shared his experience in identifying suitable drug targets from a vast pool of molecules using molecular models. The study tour participants actively engaged in Q&A  session, benefiting from the knowledge and experience shared by these industry players.