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8 Jun 2020

Hong Kong Life Sciences Society (HKLSS) has been dedicated in nurturing Hong Kong into a vibrant world-class life sciences industry cluster through talents cultivation. With the mission of maximizing the impact of the endeavours through building a strong and sustainable talent pipeline in Hong Kong, HKLSS has connected a committed team of top scholars and professionals to foster the development of life sciences industry in Hong Kong. Since the official inauguration in June 2019, HKLSS has been nurturing and gathering local life sciences talents through a wide range of activities including Summer Internship Program, Mentorship Scheme, bench talks and workshops, dialogue series, webinars and public engagement activities. Strengthen Knowledge and Experience Sharing on COVID-19 Combat In the combat of COVID-19, internationally experts in Hong Kong successfully demonstrated they are ahead of the curve and shared their expertise and experience. As the core members of HKLSS Advisory Board, Professor Yuen Kwok-yung from the University of Hong Kong, Professor Leo Poon, Professor and Division Head of Public Health Laboratory Sciences and Professor Keiji Fukuda, former Assistant Director-General for WHO, and currently Director of HKU’s School of Public Health have contributed tremendously in addressing the COVID-19 crisis. As one of the core members of the HKSAR Government Expert Advisory Group Professor Yuen and Professor Fukuda have offered critical advice by sharing the knowledge and experience from fighting with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). These valuable comments help in improving public’s understanding of the causes and risks of the pandemic. In addition, Professor Poon and his team have successfully developed rapid nucleic acid amplification tests within six days after the genomic sequence was released to help identify COVID-19 confirmed case earlier. The test a have been sent out immediately, offering support to over 70 countries. The outbreak of COVID-19 has raised public awareness about the importance and the contribution of life science development. To further strengthen knowledge sharing and collaboration between life sciences practitioners HKLSS has launched a series of global webinars on Coronavirus with sharing from experts in different fields, offering young talents and interested parties the opportunity to exchange and share ideas with experts. The next webinar will take place on 10 June (Wednesday) with Professor Denis Wirtz from Johns Hopkins University as the speaker. Please visit the link here for more webinar details and schedule. Two Key Programs in Nurturing Talents to Foster Industry Development HKLSS has been continuously expanding life sciences ecosystem and recruiting talents to bolster the development of local life sciences industry – summer internship program, mentorship scheme, webinars, talks and workshops – to explore latest industry development and trends and widen the horizon of young talents. Summer Internship Program is one of the key annual events of HKLSS. The first internship program has attracted large corporations and bio-tech companies to participate and has successfully competed in Shanghai last year. In response to the global pandemic situation, HKLSS has confirmed to hold the Summer Internship Program 2020 in Hong Kong this year with a determination to continue in supporting and creating more opportunities for young talents during this unprecedented time. Interns will have the opportunities to work in local life sciences companies including start-ups, venture capital and pharmaceutical companies in Hong Kong. During the internship, HKLSS will conduct various interactive talks and networking activities for interns to understand the development and prospect of life sciences industry in a more comprehensive way. In addition to the internship program, HKLSS’ Mentorship Scheme also helps to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills, and to expand their social network. Participating mentors are all experienced industry experts, young entrepreneurs and senior managements including HKLSS Vice- Chairmen Mr. Anthony Leung, HKLSS Advisory Board members, Professor Yuen Kwok-yung, Professor Keiji Fukuda, offering mentees valuable industry experience and networking resources, providing them the support needed in building their career in Hong Kong and Greater China. Connecting Industry Experts and Younger Generation to Foster Development As the communication bridge to connect life sciences industry experts and new generation, HKLSS has been dedicated its constant effort in offering a platform for industry updates and experience sharing to arouse young talents in joining the industry force.


27 Apr 2020

Hong Kong Life Sciences Society, established in September 2018, aims to attract, cultivate and retain talents in the local life sciences sector through knowledge exchange, collaboration and engagement in order to establish a dynamic life sciences ecosystem in Hong Kong. HKLSS is also dedicated in providing a platform to connect local life sciences talents with Mainland and international companies. Government and Industry Join Hands to Foster Local Life Sciences Development Hong Kong has a lot of outstanding scientific research talent and institutions. The fundamental research, clinical research and capital markets have all developed maturely. Hong Kong is blessed with a strategic location, robust intellectual property protection and unique role as a global business and financial centre, making the city an ideal location for biotech companies and start-ups to invest and collaborate. Nevertheless, the continuous development of the life sciences sector is a collective effort from the industry, business sector and the Government. “We hope to foster the inter-disciplinary collaboration between industry leaders, investors, the Government, local and international organizations through the establishment of HKLSS. We will continue to dedicate our effort in nurturing talents, which helps develop a world-class life sciences cluster in Hong Kong,” said Mr. Vincent Cheung, Chairman of the HKLSS Board of Governors. HKLSS has debuted its first Summer Internship Program in 2019 with the backing of venture capitals and pharmaceutical companies, including Morningside Venture Capital, AstraZeneca, WuXi AppTec and WuXi Biologics. The summer internship program has fully demonstrated HKLSS’ support towards the next generation in realizing their passion in life sciences industry for the betterment of society, which also laid a solid foundation of the development of HKLSS. Promote Talent Exchange and Development via Summer Internship Program HKLSS has been working closely with industry practitioners to nurture younger generation, provide new exposure and visions, and to establish a shared network of resources and talents with China’s life sciences industry. Riding on the success of the previous summer internship program, HKLSS will launch its Summer Internship Program 2020, offering participants unique opportunity to expand their skills and horizons at biotech startup, venture capital firm, healthcare or pharmaceutical company in Shanghai. Intern positions will cover R&D, communications, data analysis and investment. During the internship program, participants will be given the opportunity to engage with sector specialists through workshops, presentations and networking activities, and to explore their career directions in biotechnology and life sciences. The Summer Internship Program 2020 is now open for online application until 30 April 2020. Explore Wide Array of Industry Hot Topics through Events and Activities HKLSS has been continuously dedicating its effort in organizing a series of exciting activities for life sciences talents in different fields and stages, such as our Mentorship Scheme. The Mentorship Scheme is designed to cultivate young students in these industries, by equipping them with workplace-ready knowledge and soft skills, as well as the ability to network and make relevant connections with industry leaders, young entrepreneurs and senior executives from a wide range or professions related to life sciences and biotechnology. HKLSS also encourage further exchange and collaboration between academia, industry practitioners and students through a series of bench talks, workshops and inter-disciplinary dialogues. Looking forward, HKLSS will continue in dedicating its effort and resources to provide an effective channel for interested talents to learn more about life sciences. Dedicated Effort in Fulfilling the Aspirations and Missions of HKLSS In order to build a strong and sustainable talent pipeline in the sector, HKLSS has been gathering and connecting top-notch professionals from different areas in the life sciences sector to join the Board of Governors to exchange insights and industry updates. Among them are Professor Nancy Ip, Vice-President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Professor Dennis Lo, School of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Both of the top international bioscientists who have made significant contributions to biotechnology are also the Vice-Chairmen of HKLSS. Dr. David Ho Da-I, who is credited with inventing the combination antiretroviral therapy, popularly known as cocktail therapy, Professor Yuen Kwok-yung, Chair of Infectious Diseases, Department of Microbiology, University of Hong Kong and Professor Leo Poon, virology experts and division head of HKU’s Public Health Laboratory Sciences are also core members of HKLSS Advisory Board. Life sciences has a decisive influence on the development of humankind, covering wide range of aspect including medical, agricultural and food industry. HKLSS will continue its effort to provide a communication platform young talents and scientists through various programs and activities and to foster the development of life sciences industry.


7 Jun 2019

The Hong Kong Life Sciences Society (HKLSS, the Society), was officially launched on 6 June. Supported by the Nan Fung Group, it is the first youth organisation specifically established to build a dynamic life sciences ecosystem in Hong Kong. The launch ceremony was held at The Mills with Mrs Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as the officiating guest. Cultivating Talent HKLSS was established in September 2018, with the aim of attracting, cultivating and retaining talent in Hong Kong’s life sciences sector through knowledge exchange, collaboration and engagement. The Society is currently doing its utmost to develop national, international and inter-disciplinary collaboration to promote Hong Kong as a hotspot for the life sciences. To this end, it is striving to obtain input from various stakeholders including the Hong Kong Government, higher education institutions, researchers, investors, and the new generation. Summer Internship Program This year HKLSS will launch the Summer Internship Program 2019, which will provide Hong Kong students with life sciences workplace learning and networking opportunities. It will also strengthen exchange and cooperation with the life sciences industry on the Mainland, and offer unique opportunities for Hong Kong young talent to experience the boom in life sciences taking place in China. The officiating guest at the launch ceremony, Mrs Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong said, “Building a vibrant and diversified economy is one of the chief goals of the Hong Kong Government. We place great emphasis on our young talent especially in the areas of innovation, technology and the development of the sciences. Working hand in hand with the commercial sector has helped to foster this development, and thus contributed to a brighter future for Hong Kong and our people”. Utilising the Energy of a New Generation Mr Vincent Cheung, The Chairman of the HKLSS Board of Governors and Managing Director and COO of Nan Fung Group said in the ceremony, “The life sciences is essential to the development of humankind. The main objectives of establishing this society are to nurture young local talent, strengthen communications with China’s life sciences industry, and build a strong and sustainable pipeline of life sciences talent for local development. “Hong Kong has a lot of outstanding scientific research talent and institutions. The fundamental research, clinical research and capital markets have all developed maturely. The establishment of One Country, Two Systems has created favourable conditions for the development of the. life sciences in Hong Kong. We can build a promising future with good collaboration with the Government, other practitioners, we, the investors, and of course our young people. At HKLSS we strongly believe that nurturing the next generation will bring an innovative breath of fresh energy to the sector and contribute to the scientific development of Hong Kong.” Top Professionals An Advisory Board was set up with top-notch professionals from the life sciences sector, to provide professional advice and suggestions to the Society. Among the international experts are: Prof Nancy Ip: Vice-President of Research and Development, HKUST, and The Morningside Professor of Life Science. She is well-known for her seminal discoveries in the biology of neurotrophic factors, which are proteins that promote the survival, development, and maintenance of neurons in the nervous system. Prof Dennis Lo: Director of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, the Chairman of the Department of Chemical Pathology, and the Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine and Professor of Chemical Pathology of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He is one of Hong Kong’s foremost innovators in the realm of medical science and is one of only two Hong Kong scientists elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society. Dr Gerald Chan: Co-founder of Morningside Venture Capital and Director of the Morningside Foundation. He is a member of Harvard University’s Global Advisory Council, the Dean's Board of Advisors of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and the Harvard China Fund. He has been actively involved in the private equity venture capital industry for more than 20 years. The Morningside Foundation, led by Dr Chan, made the biggest donation in Harvard University’s 400-year history, handing over US$350 million to its school of public health. The school renamed the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health after the late tycoon Chan Tseng-hsi, the father of Dr Chan. Prof David Ho: Taiwanese-American medical doctor, Scientific Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Centre, and the Irene Diamond Professor at Rockefeller University in New York City. He has made many innovative state of the art scientific contributions to the understanding and technological treatment of HIV infection, notably his invention of cocktail therapy, and the combination anti-retroviral therapy. Prof Malik Peiris: Co-director of the WHO H5 Reference Laboratory at HKU, Chair of Virology, School of Public Health, at the LKS Faculty of Medicine of HKU. He serves on many standing committees and ad-hoc advisory committees of international agencies such as the WHO and FAO. He is a clinical and public health virologist with a particular interest in emerging virus diseases in the animal-human interface. Together with Prof Dennis Lo, Prof Peiris is also one of the only two Hong Kong scientists elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society. Prof Leo Poon: School of Public Health, the LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU Division Head of Public Health Laboratory Sciences, School of Public Health, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU. He specialises in the basic biology of RNA viruses and developing molecular diagnostic tools for infectious diseases. Life Science Summer Internships New knowledge and technologies are constantly changing the landscape of the life sciences and its many branches. To address the practical needs of emerging talent in the field, the Society is launching an internship program that will provide workplace learning and networking opportunities for our Hong Kong students. Current senior-year undergraduates and postgraduate students aged 18 or above, with an academic qualification in the life sciences or a related discipline are eligible to apply. The program started its first recruitment in February this year and received over 220 applications. 30 finalists were selected following individual interviews with a panel including Mr Vincent Cheung, The Chairman of the HKLSS Board of Governors, and Ken Wong, the Executive Director of HKLSS. The internships will be fully sponsored by the Nan Fung Group and will take place over four consecutive weeks in Shanghai in the Summer of 2019. They will offer a unique opportunity for the selected students to explore cutting-edge research, technology and the future of life sciences. Participants will be able to expand their skills at various life-science related bodies including healthcare or pharmaceutical companies AstraZeneca, WuXi AppTec and Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals; biotech start-up companies like Oncologie; venture capital firms such as Morningside Venture Capital, Vivo Capital and Pivotal bioVenture Partners China. They will also be able to engage with sector specialists and practitioners through networking and presentations. Intern positions will cover R&D, communications, data analysis and investment. Coaching Activities Apart from the Summer Internship Program, the Society will be organising a series of coaching activities in the coming years to encourage young talent to take up careers in the life sciences. Activities will include visits to life science faculties in Hong Kong universities, networking events, inter-disciplinary dinner talks, mentorship scheme, a Bench Café and a mega event: the Hong Kong Life Sciences Society (HKLSS) 2020 Conference. Read more: Mentorship Scheme Visit to HKU’s LKS Faculty of Medicine Visit to HKUST’s Division of Life Science Visit to CUHK's three academic schools Visit to Career Centre in HKBU
