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Vincent Cheung

With its rapid expansion both in mainland China and worldwide, life sciences play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Hong Kong. As we celebrate our 5th anniversary this year, we will keep up the momentum in fulfilling our founding mission of nurturing life sciences talent.





Enrollments in events in 2023


Scicomm executive course in HK


Partners in HK and mainland China



Mentors from the biotech industry





Summer interns


Employment/further study rate in life sciences



Awardees since 2022/23

Jer Shyuen Chong

Mentee of 2023 &

Scholarship Awardee of 2023/24

The University of Hong Kong

I will continue to strive for academic excellence and contribute to the community by engaging in the development of biomedical sciences.

Lucky Tsoi

Intern of 2023 (Zhaoke Ophthalmology) &

Mentee of 2023

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The mentorship experience has been truly transformative and instrumental in sustaining my professional growth, equipping me with the necessary skills, knowledge, and business acumen to excel in the biotechnology industry.

Charlotte Pak

Intern of 2022 (Nan Fung Life Sciences) &

Mentee of 2022

Queen Mary, University of London

A key takeaway from joining HKLSS Summer Internship Program was the numerous opportunities that I was given to practice and reflect upon my skills. It has prompted me to step out of my comfort zone.

Tammy Pham

Mentee of 2021 & 2022

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

I’m grateful to have participated in the Mentorship Scheme for two consecutive years, which allowed me to gain industry insights into preclinical research. My mentor arranged a company visit for me, where I learned about the operational pipeline and systematic organization of clinical trials that are mandatory prior to the launch of a drug.

Pok Yeung Lee

Intern of 2020 (Vivo Capital) &

Mentee of 2021

Karolinska Institutet

The interaction with professionals gave me a glimpse into how they think and respond to the information on hand. Just by observing this intellectual process, I was able to learn a lot. I hope I can one day approach my projects in the same professional manner.

Jett Osborne

Mentee of 2020

RMIT University

I am appreciative of the time and effort my mentor has dedicated to guiding me on how to make sensible career choices and consolidate my options for future developments.

Gege Yang

Mentee of 2020

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

My mentor gave me useful career advice and suggested several pathways I might take after my PhD graduation which gave me a clear direction and benefited a lot.

Samuel Wong

Intern of 2019 (Pivotal bioVenture Partners China) &

Mentee of 2020

Griffith University

I was assigned to projects that I wasn’t familiar with. Thanks to the confidence my supervisors had in me, my potential grew along the process. The managers, VPs, and Managing Partner I worked with did not treat me as just an intern; I felt like part of their big family!